How do you deal with this time? – blog 5

We started with a shortage of ICU beds up to and including QR code access, what else will happen. If you live from nature, there is always movement on the earth, universe and man. There is no shortage, there is enough for everyone. When did the fear set in? Why did we get so scared? The only natural fear is the fear of your life in nature with a (imminent) natural disaster and/or predator in front of your cave. We call this fear of death.

Consciousness field from ego to geo

The way to freedom is to explore what you fear. Fear tells your personal story. From 7.5 billion x subconscious, the present time has arisen, the field of consciousness. We go from ego to geo. Previously we learned from personal processes and from now on we learn from global processes or geo.

Man thinks in culture, but the body reacts biologically

It seems like the natural fear of death has kicked in many aspects of our culture. Note that people think in terms of culture, but the body reacts biologically from nature. You can deepen your knowledge to understand biological (disease) processes and go back to nature. How do you solve your problem in nature?

The Painful Moment or an unprocessed trauma (*)

  • Are you afraid of vaccinations?
  • Are you afraid the other person won’t vaccinate themselves?
  • These two have the same TPM (*)


  • Are you for control?
  • Are you against control?
  • These two have the same TPM (*)


  • Are you afraid of death?
  • Can people no longer die?
  • Terrible TPM, a biological process starts in the lungs


One possible solution is practicing neutrality, because judgment always goes back to your personal pain or TPM. We do this through Connecting-Merging-Letting Go VVL. Also in this current time to live in freedom starts with you. Fine if you keep kicking everything that happens. Fine if you keep kicking at others. Fine if you continue to live in your fear. Fine if you follow all the rules because the other person determines what is good for you. All of these survival mechanisms stem from your personal TPM. I think now is the perfect time to highlight your own thoughts, emotions, beliefs? Then you take your own responsibility and you can make your own choices. So this is nice, not the other decides, but myself!

In the end everything is fine and everything is right.

You tell your personal story

Everyone (from ego to geo) now receives the invitation to investigate your own story. Often your survival mechanism ensures to block or start this process. You’ve gotten used to surviving instead of living for so long that you don’t know any different. You look for groups that think or do the same thing. If you disagree, you will kick, hit, fight or flee from self-esteem. You respond from nature to stay alive. Pretty useful to know, right?

Culture vs nature

In nature everything is there to recover. Your body is a reflection of nature and is infinitely intelligent. Everything in my body is there to recover. I write from personal experience and title: I have been cured of diabetes, cervical cancer, lyme, chronic fatigue, depression, bulimia, fibromyalgia, neck hernia, and some more experiences…… The body tells a story, and I went looking for this story and found. That is why my personal goal is enrichment of new consciousness, which gives me vitality, happiness, connection, freedom, confrontation, growth, health, and much more.



  • Do vaccinations exist in nature?
  • Do QR checks exist in nature?
  • Do hospitals and psychiatrists exist in nature?
  • Or are we all living in a psychosis?
  • Are we going to die in nature?
  • Are we dying in our current culture?
  • No problem, everything is correct!

Make your life a party, only you can hang the garlands

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Video: How do I deal with the current time?



(*) The Painful Moment = unprocessed trauma smashed into the brain, organ and psyche, you go your an
in the brain, organ and psyche, you start behaving differently to stay alive.

Header photo: Sanne Regoort, Foreign Tour Southern Spain 2021