Life stories A to Z

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Enrich your life with explanations of illnesses, complaints and life questions from A to Z. Find information about illnesses and complaints whenever you want, and with it instant answers for yourself, clients and loved ones. Clear, well-organized and innovative!

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Muscle & joint complaints
HeartConnection Philosophy
Illnesses & complaints
Learning, behavioral problems & psyche

On this page we share the stories of experience that emerge during the Training Days. Because of privacy, the names are fictitious. The true stories of experience explain what caused a complaint or illness. These experience stories have been made with great care. There is a possibility that the information may not be complete or may contain inaccuracies. These experience stories are intended to support growth in awareness and self-study. © All rights reserved. No part of the written and spoken texts of HeartConnection Nederland® may be reproduced, stored in an automated database and/or made public in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or in any other way without prior written permission from HeartConnection Nederland®.