Meeting people in beliefs and survival mechanisms.
Back to your own truth
A medical student (26 years old) says during HeartConnection 2: “I don’t believe that the subconscious works that way.” I am grateful for her honesty. My answer is that the truth is within you. Never take blindly what the teacher, the study, the book, and so on says. Receive what you resonate with, explore this and if this is good for you and the other, then live it. Come back to your own truth! Our society is set up to accept what the other says: this becomes our truth. HeartConnection asks you to think and act ‘out of the box’. The ego is not always so happy about that.
The sublime survival mechanisms of the ego
The ego does not want to change and invents everything to prevent change. Our survival mechanisms are sublime! For example, one participant says: “My growth is that I have to suffer in order to learn.” Two others from the group admit to living the same belief. A belief to keep your drama going, interesting. You may of course continue to believe this belief or not. You decide. It is a conviction to survive and to stay in drama. Who are you without drama?
What do you choose?
Also nice: the conviction “This won’t bother me.” And the nicest “I already know all this.” Do you keep believing in your beliefs Or do you give yourself a chance to create a super fun life: “I choose a very nice life full of spirit, positive adventure and I’m super happy with all the lovely people and children around me! I create this 100% myself!
Creation of health and happiness
You learn how to create health and happiness during HeartConnection. During the training you meet your beliefs and see where and why they originated. You get a choice to live it on or not. You learn how your biology works and how the subconscious works. What role do your parents and ancestors play in your daily life? You will understand patterns, you become aware and you learn to deprogram these patterns. We do various exercises to connect you with your conviction, to melt and to let go. This allows you to take control of your life.
Create the life you want
Honor your survival
Thank you, thanks to my survival I am alive
I love myself, you and everything around me
Where do your beliefs come from?
Video Live Broadcast: Beliefs
The other person or a situation is the actor in your life. The other person or situation cannot hurt you,...
Mountain hike – ego
During the HeartConnection training you are in a process of change or meeting with yourself. You are hiking a beautiful...
You can experience conflict at an early age, even in your mother's womb, during pregnancy. Also keep in mind that...