
HeartConnection stands for self-responsibility

The other or a situation is the actor in your life. The other or situation cannot hurt you, because pain – emotions – judgments are in you. Every judgment about someone else is therefore also a judgment about yourself! Heartconnection is not interested in your drama, but in your feeling. What do you feel?

Conflict impact and beliefs

When you experience a trauma, there is a conflict impact in the brain at some point. During this impact you have experienced emotions. From those emotions you have also formed certain beliefs. And from these beliefs you hear, you listen, you talk and you do. You live from this conviction. You think this is the truth. But it is the belief in you that originated during your trauma.

Back to the weft

During the conflict impact, all senses perceived and stored everything. If after this, at another time, you have approximately the same perception, you will automatically return to the stress of your conflict impact. Often we think that our pain is because of the other person.

For example:

  • The other is silent.
  • The other does not support you.
  • The other does not listen to you.
  • The other does not understand you.
  • The other does not love you.
  • The other is arguing.
  • The other always knows better.
  • The other gives you a bad rating, while you did your best.
  • The other fires you.


  • Marjolein doesn’t answer my e-mails.
  • Marjolein says I don’t go deep enough.
  • Marjolein doesn’t listen to me.
  • And so on.

Everything is about you!

You are irritated by a situation, whether because of your own actions or the actions of others. You feel sad or lonely, abandoned, abandoned. You feel frustrated, angry, furious. But what’s really going on: you meet your conflict streak. Emotions come to life, linked to the beliefs that have arisen within you. HeartConnection teaches you that you are entirely responsible for your own conflicts, for your own perception, for your own pain. It’s all in you. When you meet emotions or impacts, you may connect with them, merge and let go.

Pain = growth!

The other can show you your conflicts. The other can mirror you. He or she is the actor in your life. Remember that your judgment, your beliefs, your pain are always yours. It’s not the other who hurts you. It is the pain you encounter in yourself through the other. The pain – so the conflict impact with all emotions and patterns – is in your subconscious program. It comes up at a time when the environment is safe enough to let go of the conflict. You can now connect with your pain, merge with it and finally let go.

Pain ensures that you can grow in your development. And you will change a situation that is unpleasant. This is how pain works preventively and as a warning for a follow-up situation. The pain can even give you a new purpose in your life. In the HeartConnection training, we see that you often create your work out of pain, because you have converted the pain/impact into a talent.

New Philosophy of Life

From a new philosophy of life, HeartConnection invites you to grow in your consciousness.

We wish you softening, fusion and connection with all that is!


Mountain hike – ego

During the HeartConnection training you are in a process of change or meeting with yourself. You are hiking a beautiful...


Meeting people in beliefs and survival mechanisms.


You can experience conflict at an early age, even in your mother's womb, during pregnancy. Also keep in mind that...