Bone, tendon, muscles, joints – self-esteem
Sudden pain in your back, shoulder, neck or knee is mostly solution phase. After the stress phase you come into solution and your body creates fluid at the site of recovery, this is painful to very painful. Explanation of the biological process in muscles and joints and explanation of self-esteem, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal problems.
Self-esteem & rheumatism, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal problems
In our Western society, we face many self-esteem issues. For generations, women were seen as less than men. Only since 1919 have women been allowed to vote here. Men should be tough, not cry and bring in money. Much has changed in the last 50 years. Positive or negative? You may fill this in yourself. In any case, what has changed is the increased marketing and advertising, mostly aimed at self-esteem. The media show us an image of how we should or should not look and behave. If you do not meet this requirement, you may well be excluded from the group. Biologically this means, that without a group (pack) then you are less likely to survive or not survive at all. We may think in culture, but our bodies respond biologically. Within biology, the body is sublimely regulated in composition with your thoughts, DNA, norms and values from the culture and more. HeartConnection gives you the Training to think biologically, solve problems and deal with stress.
Self-esteem conflicts
From our thinking and actions, we react mostly out of self-esteem. You feel less than the other person because you think the other person can do better. Or you think inferiorly of the other person, you can do better anyway. Both responses have the same conflict-insertion (trauma). From certain conflict insertions, self-esteem beliefs such as:
- I’m not fast enough
- I can’t
- it doesn’t work
- I am ugly
- I am too fat/thin
- I am stupid
- I’m not good enough.
These beliefs can underlie a variety of complaints.
Within biology, rheumatism has two phases that take place in the body. In the stress phase or active phase, there is cell loss in the bone or tissue. In the dissolution phase, there is cell-growth of bone tissue. This is accompanied by an inflammatory environment and fluid, this is (very) painful. The biology of your body wants you to survive under all conditions. So you gain extra cells so that when the next self-esteem conflict occurs, you are stronger than before. Wonderful how your biology takes care of this!
Rheumatism tells the story that although a person goes into solution, they still have self-esteem thoughts, for example, “I’m not good enough. You then remain in a hanging situation: cell decrease and cell increase immediately inflammatory environment follow each other daily. There is thickening at the joints, fingers fuse, there is pain, and so on.
Osteoporosis is a self-esteem conflict in certain bones aar the stress manifests itself. This depends on the conflict content. A cheese of holes develops in the bones, so to speak. Cell loss in this situation is a permanent stress phase. We call this the conflict-active phase.
Joint complaints
Sudden pain in your back, shoulder, neck or knee is mostly solution phase. After the stress phase you come into solution and your body creates fluid at the site of recovery, this is painful to very painful. If someone has long-term symptoms, then there is a persistent self-esteem bias and, as a result, someone keeps themselves in the stress and resolution phase. The body part where you experience the pain tells you your own story. For example, read this example of shoulder pain and frozen shoulder.
More-or-less: same conflict insertion
All kinds of situations in one’s life happen from self-esteem conflicts. The person feels inferior or superior. Those who are dominating, besotted, dominant in a relationship have a more worthy self-esteem conflict. Anyone who suffers, undergoes or is cheated has an inferior self-esteem conflict.
Note that both cases involve the same self-esteem conflict insertion. Unresolved self-esteem conflicts affect your life situations and health. It’s time to solve them. Here are a few examples.
From a thought such as “I’m not worth having a good sexual relationship,” from an inferior self-esteem conflict, a person may not protect themselves, This can lead to a person experiencing all kinds of sexual things, as well as complaints of hips, SI joints, pubic bone or tailbone.
The belief “I am not worth it” expresses itself in everyday life through money. Someone works very hard, but earns little. Or someone works very hard and the partner makes the money. For example, embezzling money in a business is also related to this.
With self-esteem conflict, you may trust the other person more than yourself. You let the other person take over or manage your money matters and suddenly money is gone. You believe someone else’s nice stories and the rest you can fill in yourself. Along with a sexual self-esteem conflict, this is how a teenage girl can get into a loverboy situation.
You are submissive to your partner and your partner controls you. For the sake of sweet peace, you do everything for your partner. The other person denigrates you, insults you, complains about you in front of others, and so on. In short: you are not doing anything right. That other person can be your partner, but also your boss, your father-in-law, mother-in-law, colleague, and so on.
The story of Cornelis (62) with acute rheumatoid arthritis
Cornelis suddenly has acute rheumatism after his hip surgery. He tells about his family situation: his father lost his father young. Cornelis’ father always belittled him; Cornelis never did anything right. He came to believe this and to live it. At 20, he went to the foreign country and earned a lot of money. At his father’s request, Cornelis remits 80% of his income to his parents; the ratio is out of balance. A friend wakes him up with the comment, “Who’s making the money here? A few years later, Cornelis stops contributing to his parents. His father takes him up on this. At age 50, Cornelis is divorced and marries again. His second wife spends all his earned money. He stops this by separating again. This his second wife does not thank him for. History repeats itself. Cornelis recognizes the self-esteem story not only of himself, but also of his father. Generation after generation this has been passed down. It is time for this to stop now. Cornelis no longer needs to believe his father’s derogatory remarks and certainly no longer needs to live. He starts working on his self-esteem. This insight gives him great peace and relief.
The story of Saskia’s childhood rheumatism
During a HeartConnection One Day, Saskia gets her question answered. Her daughter has had juvenile rheumatism since the age of two. This started with inflammation in her knees.
When Saskia is asked what happened when she was two months pregnant with her daughter, she first answers “Nothing. But suddenly she bursts into tears. She recalls that har father was then diagnosed with colon cancer. We connect this feeling. Saskia feels tremendous sadness, helplessness, distraught, disbelief. The feeling “I can’t handle it, this is not true, I’m not pulling this. Two months pregnant, she walked to the kitchen when she heard this news. There she sank through her knees and fell to the ground on her knees. Now she feels the link to her daughter and this incident. Her daughter is now nine years old. Saskia is given the worksheet we created together. She goes to discuss this insight with her husband and daughter and she tells her daughter that the sadness, disbelief and so on is Mom’s and that Mom went through the motions. ‘This is Mommy’s and give this back to Mommy’. Touched, relieved, happy and impressed, she goes home.
DNA legacy
Children tell the story of their parents and ancestors. There is no blame, victim and judgment within HeartConnection. Generation after generation, unprocessed conflicts are passed down through DNA. Create your own life and receive the tools to de-program it now.
Dupuytren’s disease
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