Bowels – ulcerative colitis – Chronic colon inflammation
During the One Day, Helena asks her question. She has suffered from chronic intestinal inflammation since the age of 27, exactly 20 years now. What happened at the time? Read Helena's intense story. Explaining from her family tree, alcoholism, mother-soul-only and "not being allowed to be there.
During the HeartConnection day with horses, Helena (47) asks a question. She has suffered from chronic intestinal inflammation since she was 27 years old, exactly 20 years now. What happened at the time? Helena says she then went to live on her own, which she was very happy about. Away from the tension in the parental home, she felt relief and peace. As you can read in the explanation of the intestines, the recovery phase of an indigestible kibble begins when a dissolution, a moment of rest, has taken place.
Alcoholism and the family tree
At the time, what was for Helena an indigestible lump, an ugly indigestible annoyance? Helena talks emotionally about the relationship between her and her mother. Her mother was an alcoholic and had an angry temper, often taking Helena to task. We draw the family tree, Alcoholism is often an indication that (for) parents used alcohol to survive. The use of alcohol then, from biology, is the best strategy to cope with life and thus stay alive. During Training HeartConnection you will receive extensive explanation of. When a child of an alcoholic(e) gains his or her own understanding of the situation, a lot of tension, guilt, misery can already be released
Mother and daughter mirror pain
Drawing the family tree, it appears that Helena’s mother is number two in her family. Helena herself is also a number two. Mother hates herself so much that she would rather not have had children and certainly not a daughter number two like herself. Helena mirrors her mother’s pain, and during a drunken fit, mother acts very ugly toward Helena. This is not about Helena, but about mother herself.
In the pasture with the horses
In the meadow, we elaborate on this story. Helena chooses mother horse Evelientje, but this horse runs away from her, as does her mother. Helena connects-merge and release-with these emotions and pain. With the shame and the loneliness. Mother-Soul-Alone. She feels sadness, very deep sadness. She feels alone, “I shouldn’t be here. Helena wants distance from her family; she wants her family to see her as she is. We therefore distance ourselves from the herd. As we walk away from the horses, I ask Helena what she wishes for her family? She looks at the horses, which symbolize the family, and says to them:
- ‘I wish my family to be happy.
- That they themselves have insight.
- Living in love.
- What do you grant yourself?
When I ask her what she grants herself, she says:
- ‘That I see myself as I am.
- That I am the way I am.
I bring in mother horse Evelientje to connect Helena with her mother, Evelientje allows herself to be hugged. Helena thanks herself and her mother. Then Rose, the third horse, comes and gives her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Helena is soulful! She closed the day with a wonderful insight, “I see myself as I am, I am who I am.”
She understood the story of her chronic intestinal inflammation. I ask her to thank her gut before bed for absorbing so many years of stress. This Helena understands and she is going to do it. Her reaction afterwards: “How beautiful how you show the interconnections, in a calm non-judgmental way and in your unique way make me aware of the patterns present in my life. So connecting, fusing, letting go. These I will take with me. Thank you for the beautiful day.”
Thank you Helena, for your confidence. You didn’t want to ask your question and were very annoyed that I was going to elaborate on your question anyway. What a great gift you have given yourself, the group and me with this. Fortunately, you went home relieved, in love and very happy and touched.
How nice it would have been for Helena to have been mentored with HeartConnection as a child with her mother. And that twenty years ago, she had received an explanation of where her chronic intestinal inflammation came from.
Group theme Mother-daughter
This day there are three mothers with daughters, and the questioners who came alone also come out on the relationship with their mothers. Within HeartConnection we call this quantum physics: everything resonates with each other. Many times participants in a group have the same theme that they are working out, understanding and letting go becomes. Very special.
Kitty’s story
Like Kitty. She says she has trouble with her name. Her mother actually wanted to call her Mary. But because Mary sounds ecclesiastical and this is “not done” in her environment, mother adapts and names her daughter Kitty. A daughter who adapts to others for the rest of her life. This programming originated with her mother. To stay alive from biology, Kitty behaves up to and including the Day of the One by also adapting. Kitty spontaneously receives her insight: adapting is my mother’s and not mine. I am who I am and my name is okay. After all these years, Kitty understands her behavior and why she had such trouble with her took. Full of emotion and gratitude, she goes home, “What a wonderful day this was! One of the most beautiful of my life. Thank you Marjolein.”
Themes work through
Often the themes still work through and insights come later. This was noticed by Annemieke, who came with her daughter: “I want to thank you for another special day yesterday. And I just wanted to say that it occurred to me that my grandfather had to go to the orphanage because his father had died and his mother’s new husband didn’t want all those children either. So they also had to go to the orphanage for that reason. I didn’t remember the exact story yesterday, so just checked. Very special again.”
Click here to learn more about the intestines.
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