Biphasicity – cause of illness, complaint, behavior
The basis of your body and mind is the two-phase, the biological process. All the answers lie in the biphasicity. Behavior, survival, health, illness, complaints, pain, fever, relief, panic, fear, freedom, behavior, reaction, condition, work, passion, challenges, hobby, lonely, abandoned, connected, talents, you name it. Everything. In this dualistic cosmic time, yin&yang, all this starts with the two-phase, this biological process starts with a conflict impact (The Painful Moment), a painful moment, unexpected, temporarily no solution, inevitable, dramatic, unacceptable and isolated, only you experience this. From this painful moment, conflict impact starts a biological program.

Conflict Impact – The Painful Moment (TPM)
Immediately after the painful moment, conflict impact you receive from your biology, body, hormones, adrenaline-cortisol to solve or deal with your TPM as quickly as possible, so that you stay alive. You get cold hands and feet because your blood goes to the vital organs. Heart rate, blood sugar, breathing go up, so you have more energy to fight or flee. You are not hungry in this stress phase. Beautiful how your body works, this knowledge gives you confidence.
In the stress phase you live your belief, survival mechanisms and your belief becomes truth. You will receive character to solve or deal with your TPM as soon as possible. Humans are extremely powerful and resilient. Your body, biology, subconscious is doing everything it can to keep you alive.
Solution – recovery
Once you have solved the TPM you enter the recovery phase. The accumulated stress must be reduced again and on a cellular level the organ in question will recover, build up, break down. Where TPM is impacted, this organ, place in your body, an inflammatory environment will develop here until this area is fully healed. You are tired, in pain, have a fever, you don’t feel well.
Epi crisis
There may be a peak in the recovery phase, we call this the epi-crisis. This can be cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, orgasm, childbirth, blood in urine / stool, nosebleed, sneezing, coughing, and so on. This peak in the recovery phase can be spicy, or you don’t notice it at all. You drive TPM out of your body, so to speak. On a psyche level you can re-experience the emotions of TPM, you can then re-experience panic, fear. This means that panic-anxiety attacks are part of the epi-crisis and so is psychosis. Several TPMs are dissolving simultaneously.
Second recovery phase – balance
Then you come to the second recovery phase, you are still tired and you have to urinate a lot.
Then everything calms down again. Keep in mind that in certain moments this biphasicity does not exist, we call this spontaneous remission. In the moment of connecting-merging-letting go you can come into oneness, spontaneous remission takes place in this energy field.
Video LIVE broadcast: Biphasicity – The biological process
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